
Your search for "phonics" returned 204 results

204 results

Phonics Without the Frou Frou

Blog post

You can actually teach phonics with a stick in the dirt if you have to.

Beyond Basic Phonics

Blog post

In Year 1, it is useful to continue to embed morphology in your phonics lessons. Adding suffixes such as past tense ‘ed’, ‘y’, ‘ly’, ‘er’ and ‘tion’ to words in your phonics lessons will help children develop the capacity to read multisyllable words and access more complex texts.

Phonics and PA - What are you Waiting For?

Blog post

Waiting for all students to be able to delete syllables or consistently produce rhyming words before you start on phonics and phonemic awareness can potentially waste a whole lot of time. Some programs don’t start phonics until the start of term 2. It’s a time-line that doesn’t sit well with me.

Tuesday Tip - How to Combine Phonics and Morphology

Blog post

Ready to combine phonics with morphology? Join the Resource Room today.

High Impact Phonics Lessons

Blog post

There is no copying in quality phonics lessons. There is also no tracing or activities designed for children to ‘pick up’ the connection between phonemes (sounds) and the letters that present them. Highly effective phonics lessons have the teacher out the front of the group teaching.

Simple Phonics Solutions For Home Learning

Blog post

One of the struggles I have seen teachers have in put together their home learning packs for phonics is ‘what on earth do we give our children who can’t read anything yet?’

S3 Ep22 - How to Choose a Phonics Program

Blog post

Just about every phonics program out there contains the same elements that reflect research.

S5 E3 - Quick Phonics Assessment to Start the Year

Blog post

We all know that it's important to choose phonics content that is targeted to student need, but how can you do this at the start of the year without taking weeks to gather data? Many schools have adopted a phonics program and are using the phonics assessment that comes with that.

Harnessing the 4 Pillars in Phonics Instruction

Blog post

In last week’s post, ‘Phonics without the Froo Froo’, I wrote about the need for phoneme grapheme instruction to be direct, simple and explicit. If you haven’t read that post, you can find it here. In this post I also outlined Stanislas Dehaene’s 4 pillars of learning.

S1 E10 - Your Upper Primary Phonics Catch-Up Action Plan

Blog post

We want data related to the foundational skills around phonics and word-level reading and that's going to incorporate phonemic awareness.
