Spelling Success in Action 1
Get started with morphology based spelling regardless of the grade you are teaching.
Choose evidence informed practice to get great results for your students
There is a well-established body of research showing the positive impacts of morphology instruction on a range of areas including spelling, vocabulary development, morphological awareness, comprehension and writing. When taught in an explicit, structured way, morphology based spelling instruction can help your students take advantage of the reciprocal nature of reading and spelling and achieve even better results.
Spelling Success in Action draws on a body of research that indicates the most useful inclusions in morphology based instruction. For example, Carlisle et al.'s 2010 analysis of morphological interventions found that effective instruction included the following:
- Drawing students' attention to the internal structure of words (breaking words into morphemes)
- Teaching meanings of prefixes and suffixes
- Helping students to understand how morphemes contributed to the word's meaning or grammatical form
- Helping students use morphemes to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
While there is no agreed-upon age at which to begin morphology instruction, there IS evidence that beginning morphology instruction in the early years of school can be beneficial.
Download this Literature Bite here
Getting started can be daunting, but you aren't on your own

Comprehensive teacher knowledge outlines help you feel like a pro.
For most teachers, morphology and 'language' based teaching can be daunting. When you haven't learned concepts in your own schooling or your pre-service education, teaching them to students can be a scary proposition. Spelling Success in Action gives you all the knowledge you need to understand the basics of morphology and spelling and teach with confidence.

A step-by-step plan to help you start strong and respond to your students' needs.
It's one thing to understand the importance of morphology and another thing to know where to start. Providing a targeted approach to teaching doesn't mean handing over decision making for your students to someone else. Our roadmap helps you know what to teach and when to teach it.

Use Spelling Success in Action as a companion to Reading Success in Action or as a stand-alone resource.
Beginning and early readers' focus is on building strong understandings of the alphabetic principle, however morphology has a place in word level reading and spelling instruction across all grades. Rather than teaching these concepts separately, Spelling Success in Action helps you combine them, in appropriate ratios, for maximum impact.
Take the guess work out of figuring out if Spelling Success in Action 1 is suitable for your upper primary classroom with our free diagnostic. This tool will help teachers in Year 3 and beyond determine whether students have the necessary foundational knowledge and skill to tackle morphology in a deeper way. This free diagnostic will tell you whether students have knowledge of the most common suffixes of English along with key suffixing conventions. To receive your copy of the Spelling Success in Action 1 diagnostic, enter your details below.
Support at Every Step
When you work with us, you know that you are working with people who understand just how complex it can be to respond to student needs alongside all of the demands of school. We seek to keep things simple for both you and your students. As such we provide you with:
- QR codes that take you straight to videos of Jocelyn explaining how to use the book
- Live In-school training and classroom modelling available (that you get to record and keep on-site)
- Recorded training through the Evergreen Teacher membership
- Planning templates
- Instructional decision making outlines to help you 'hit the spot' and meet students where they are up to
- Differentiated word lists help you match words to students' current level of phonics knowledge
- Ongoing support through our Facebook group, On the Structured Literacy Bus
- Optional in-school training, modelling and coaching to help your team reach a range of learners right across the school.
Pricing and Packages
Select the option that best fits your needs:
Spelling Success in Action 1 - Book only
One copy of the Spelling Success in Action book that includes
-Comprehensive introduction sharing the knowledge that you need to lead your students' learning well
-Downloadable resources
-QR codes taking you to in-built video guidance
-Step by step guidance about introducing morphology in your classroom
-Planning template
Spelling and Reading Success in Action Bundle
Spelling Success in Action 1
(getting started with morphology)
Reading Success in Action 1
( teaching the basic code)
Reading Success in Action 2
(teaching the complex code)
Reading Success in Action 3
(working with alternate spellings)
In-School Implementation Package
In-School full day professional learning
In-classroom modelling day
(you are invited to record and keep)
Implementation preparation online session
Follow up online implementation coaching session for instructional leaders
2 x in-school follow up coaching days working with staff and leaders in classrooms to develop high-impact practice.
Looking to learn more about morphology instruction in general? View the clip below
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
What ages is Spelling Success in Action 1 suitable for?
Spelling Success in Action is suitable for any student who is ready to get started with the fundamentals of morphology in its written form. Children come to school equipped with a great deal of spoken morphology, however they need support and explicit guidance to learn about how this translates to the written form. The age of students who will benefit from Spelling Success in Action 1 will vary depending on the prior experience of the students. As such, teachers of early primary, middle and upper primary and secondary grades will find this resource extremely helpful.
My schools uses a phonics program other than Reading Success in Action. Can I still use Spelling Success in Action 1?
100% yes. While we do provide links to our Reading Success in Action phonics and decoding resource, you do not need to use this to get the best out of Spelling Success in Action.
Do you have an option for Year 3-6 Classrooms?
Yes. Spelling Success in Action 2 (Prefixes and Suffixes) and Spelling Success in Action 3 (Latin roots and Greek Combining forms) is now in production. The Spelling Success in Action 2 suite of resources can be found here. Spelling Success in Action 3 is set to be released mid-2026.
How long do the lessons take to teach?
The lessons in Spelling Success in Action 1 are designed to provide students with an understanding of the most common prefixes and suffixes and then enable you to include words containing these affixes in your regular phonics/literacy lessons. Each lesson will take between 15-20 min each. Most teachers will teach only one lesson per week and then provide opportunities for follow up and review for the rest of the week.
Do I have to be a member of the Resource Room to use this book?
No. While Resource Room members enjoy additional teaching tools such as prepared presentations, you do not have to be a member of the Resource Room to teach well from Spelling Success in Action.