
Copy of Spelling Success in Action - School Level Order Form


Your School's Name


Your School's Postal Address


The School Leader Responsible for the order is

Please list both name and position


Where should an invoice be emailed?


Please indicate how many classroom packs you would like to order

Spelling Success Promotional Images

Included in each classroom pack ($850 +gst)

  • 1 x teacher guide
  • 1 x set of morphology cards
  • 13 student readers (one book between two students)
  • Hard copy training workbook to use with the online course

Please indicate how many class packs of student workbooks you would like to order

Spelling Success Promotional Images (2)

Included in each pack: 

25 student workbooks

$950 per pack. 


If your school is not a Resource Room member and you would like to add Resource Room membership, please indicate how many classroom teachers you would like to sign up

TRR Logo

$99pp person (plus GST)


Please list the names and email addresses of the staff accessing the online course

Each classroom pack comes with one logon for the Spelling Success Online Course. Please list names and email addresses of the staff below


Additional Online Course Access

If you would like to organise training for additional staff in Spelling Success in Action, please list their names below and we will include an additional charge of $170pp on your invoice. 


Student Reader Adjustment

Each Spelling Success in Action Classroom pack comes standard with 3 x Student Reader A, 6 x Student Reader B and 4 x Student Reader C. Please note any adjustments you like to these quantities below.  

N.B. additional copies of student readers can be purchased in packs of 5 below. 


Please indicate how many individual teacher guides you would like to order

Spelling Success in Action 2 - Teacher Guide - PART A (2)

Includes 1 x Teacher Guide ($160 + gst)


Please indicate how many Pack of 5 Student Workbooks you would like to order (Available only once class packs of student workbooks have been ordered)

Spelling Success Student Workbooks image (11)

Includes 5 x student workbooks ($190 + gst)
(please note: these books are not black line master books and copying is not permitted)


Please indicate how many packs of 5 Student Reader A you would like to order (Please note. Available only with full classroom packs.)

Spelling Success Reader A image (10)

Includes 5 x student reader A ($190 + gst)


Please indicate how many packs of 5 Student Reader B you would like to order (Available only with full classroom packs.)

Spelling Success Reader B (9)

Includes 5 x student reader B ($190 + gst)


Please indicate how many packs of 5 Student Reader C you would like to order (Available only with full classroom packs.)

Spelling Success Reader C image(8)

Includes 5 x student reader C ($190 + gst)


Please indicate how many pack of 64 A4 Morphology Cards you would like to order

Spelling Success Morphology Cards image (7)

Includes 1 x set of 64 morphology cards ($140 + gst)


Thank you for your order

Thank you for your order for Spelling Success in Action. We look forward to being a part of your school's structured literacy journey. 

All Spelling Success in Action Resources are currently available for pre-order only. Orders placed before December 20th 2023 are guaranteed to be posted by late January. Orders after this date will be posted as soon as possible. 

Full payment is required before items are posted. 

Should you have any further questions about your order, please contact 

Please click - 'save worksheet' below to submit your order.