Tuesday Tip - #3 Don't Let Disruptions Suck the Life Out of Your Lessons


In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss the need to eliminate distractions and disruptions to maximise learning.

Video Transcript

Hey everyone, it's Tuesday, it's time for a tip. This is number three in our series about maintaining high engagement in low variance instruction. And our tip today is about eliminating distraction and disruption. Kids tapping pencils, having whispered conversations, the teacher talking way too long on things that are not relevant.

These all constitute extraneous load and distract children from learning. There's two sorts of behaviors. There's learning behavior and distracting behavior, and we want to make sure that everyone is demonstrating behaviour that contributes to learning. Kids can either learn or they can muck up. They can learn or not learn.

The choice is ours.

Want to know more?

Click here to find out how to maintain high engagement in low variance instruction.

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