'Tis the Week Before Christmas

Dear Colleagues,
What a year it's been! I know that so many of you have put in a mammoth effort this year to help each and every child reach their reading best and, on their behalf, I want to say, "Thank you!" It has been an absolute pleasure to work with such a wonderful group of dedicated and talented teachers over 2021. I have been humbled by the emails and messages I have received from teachers sharing success and letting me know that my work has been of use. My mission, like yours, is to make a positive difference in the world to as many people as possible. I look forward to sharing more and supporting you to even greater heights of teaching success in 2022. Our profession is a complex and challenging one, but together we can make the difference in the world that we aim for. For now, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a lovely rest over the break. See you next year!
All my best
PS. I've written you a little Christmas present below.
‘Tis the week before Christmas and all through the school,
The teachers of reading are so super cool.
They toil and they slave through all of the year,
And are thankful a break is drawing so near.
Through term after term, the teachers and prins,
Strive for top learning and great reading wins.
They read and they watch and they listen and scroll,
They dive and explore down all long rabbit holes.
In the quest for great outcomes they never do rest,
To help every student to reach for their best.
With hearts full of hope and eyes full of sparkle,
They pray for success and not a debacle.
Phonics and vocab, PA and decoding,
They use these to stop children’s heads from exploding.
They learn from great people like Moats, Archer, and Snow (Pam Snow, that is!)
They talk about teaching wherever they go.
They’ll never be done or finished their quest,
But for now, dear teachers, it’s time for a rest.
So turn off your computer and close up your book,
(At least for a couple of weeks, don’t you look!)
The PLs and lessons and new ways to learn,
Will all still be there when it’s time to return.
I wish you a break full of love, fun and cheer,
And I'll be right here with you in the New Year.
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Thank you for an awesome year of learning !! Looking forward to learning new things with you next year!!
Yours kindly, Sandi Troncone
Fabulous poem Jocelyn! Thank you for inspiring me and nudging me forward on my learning journey...Merry Christmas to you & your family
Great poetry skills!!
Nice to see some of what has been keeping you busy and helping many others on their teaching/learning/reading journey. Looking forward to new learning opportunities next year. Enjoy your holiday with your lovely family.
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