Tuesday Tip - Stop Trying to Fit Everything into your Literacy Block


In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss integrating literacy components, like vocabulary, morphology, and writing, into a unified lesson to maximise efficiency and enhance student connections.

Video Transcript

Hey there, my name is Jocelyn and it's Tuesday, so that means it's time for a tip. The number one question that I receive from teachers is, how do I fit everything into my literacy block? The reality is, if that you're trying to teach everything separately, you can't.

The vocabulary people want you to teach vocab for 40 minutes. The morphology people want you to teach morphology for 40 minutes. The writing people want you to do an hour and a half writing lesson. You cannot fit everything in if you're separating it all out. So my tip this week for you is integrate as much as you can.

A great literacy block is like a permaculture garden. Everything has multiple purposes. So include morphology in your phonics lesson. Teach vocabulary through a beautiful rich text and link to morphology. Take the same stimulus gorgeous text and teach writing and language comprehension. By integrating you're going to cut down the time you need but you'll also help your students make meaningful connections.

Want to know more?

Click here to find out more about consolidating word level knowledge.


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