Tuesday Tip - Pencil Case


In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss using individualised pencil cases with tailored practice cards to provide targeted sound and word reading practice for students at varying levels.

Video Transcript

Hello, it is Tuesday, so it's time for me to bring you a tip. We all know that it's challenging to give children the opportunity to practice sounds and word reading at exactly the level that's right for them. How do you, as a classroom teacher who have a range of levels in your class, provide an opportunity for kids to get exactly what they need?

Well, the humble pencil case can be part of the answer. Inside this little pencil case, I have some cards. I've made these ones big for you, but you would make them smaller so you can conserve resources and be good to the planet. But inside the pencil case, you can have just the grapheme cards where they need to practice them.

Now, this is not them learning. This is that part of the experience. Explicit teaching model that is about supported or independent practice. So you need to make sure that children have learned the material. You want them to practice to a deep enough level so that what you give them to do in the pencil case is meaningful.

So you can give them a range of sounds that they practice. They could do this in partners, so they have some support there. And then there we go. There's a few sounds, and then you'll also have words for them to practice sounding out so that they're actually sitting and practicing blending. That is one way that you can give children the opportunity to get that practice they need.

Now the pencil case can be turned to anything. It can be used for times tables. It can be used for recalling facts or vocabulary for science. It can be used for such a range of things, that really, it's only up to you and your imagination. But the pencil case that's been individualised for children is really, really impactful.

You create strong routines in your classroom, but everyone knows they have to go and get their case away. They go, you can then draw students to you while the other children are practicing individually or in pairs and really tailor make that experience. I got these for, I want to say something like a dollar or a dollar fifty from Office National. They're not an expensive resource and a pencil case is much more durable than a snap lock bag.

Anyway, that's my tip for today. Have a lovely week and I'll see you next Tuesday. Bye bye.

Want to know more?

Click here to find out about alternatives to independent silent reading.

Click here to find out more about play in the classroom.

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