Reading Success in Action - Decoding 1 & 2
Teaching the Basic and Complex Code (Part A)
Order Reading Success in Action 1 & 2 together and save on postage!
When making the shift to a systematic, explicit approach to teaching reading, it can be challenging to know how to arrange content in a way that supports the learning of every child in your class. The Reading Success in Action Lesson sequence booklets are designed to take the guess work out of making instructional decisions in teaching the basic code and the first half of the complex code. Don't spend hours agonizing over what, when and how to teach decoding. Follow the sequence and give your mental energy to supporting the students in your care.
Book 1
- 86 pages of content
- Follows the Letters and Sounds sequence (s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f l ff ll ss j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng)
Book 2
- 75 pages of content
- Follows the sequence of ay, ee, igh, oa, oo (as in zoo), or, oy, ar, oo (look), er, ou, are, ow, oi, ir, a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e, ea, ai, ie, aw, ur, ear, le. The sequence has been chosen to reflect the most common grapheme representations as well as separating graphemes that represent the same phonemes. This conservative arrangement supports the cognitive load of students who are vulnerable to cognitive overload and confusion.
Both books contain
- Easy to follow lesson plans containing instructions, teacher background knowledge, word lists and differentiated decodable sentences. Word lists and sentences enable you to reteach lessons as needed without repeating words. Lessons also contain recommendations of irregular high frequency words mapped to the decodable texts included in the sequence.
Check-in points prompt formative assessment and reteaching as needed.
- Each 'set' of graphemes has a page aligning decodable texts from different series (include free resources) with that place in the sequence so that you can have absolute confidence that your students won't be led into the 'guessing zone' while reading. This differentiation means that you can support all students with the texts most appropriate for their stage of learning.
- Instructions for teaching the lessons include QR codes with links to videos explaining each step of the process - pronouncing the sounds, preparing to teach, teaching phoneme/grapheme correspondence, teaching decoding and encoding (reading and spelling), teaching irregular high frequency words, using decodable texts.
- The Reading Success in Action resource contains a reproducible partner practice booklet containing graphemes, words and sentences.
- And an informal assessment and class tracking sheet to monitor progress
The Reading Success in Action Lesson Sequence resources are for you if:
- You are feeling overwhelmed by the task of teaching phonics and decoding
- You are a teaching assistant working with individuals or small groups
- You are looking for a simple way to move towards a structured approach to teaching literacy
- You are a teacher looking for a way to upskill your paraprofessional colleague
- You are a school leader searching for a simple, inexpensive tool to reduce your teachers' cognitive load
If you have any questions about this resource, please get in touch!
The price of $156 includes GST and postage within Australia.