Podcast and Blog


Part 2 sticky note

Research to the Classroom: Daily Review - Part 2 - Teaching


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Hello and welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast coming to you from Pataway Burnie right here in Tasmania. This episode is the second in this Research to the Classroom series about daily review and retrieval where we will unpack practical aspects of this practice and share tips for you to use it in the classroom. If you haven't listened to the previous episode about the research behind daily review and retrieval, I suggest …

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Stack of Sticky Notes

Research to the Classroom: Daily Review - Part One - The Research

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We Are Here for The Long Haul.
Hi there, and welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. It's Jocelyn here, coming to you from Pataway Burnie in beautiful Tasmania. I'd like to begin today's episode by saying thank you to you; thank you for being part of our world. Thank you for letting us be a part of yours. Thank you for the work you do with your students on the road to every child being able to read and write. The other day, my colleague Cass was asked h…

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Teacher at Whiteboard

S3 E7 - Getting Questions Right From the Start


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Hi there, it's Jocelyn here with the Structured Literacy Podcast. It's wonderful to welcome you to this episode recorded here in Pataway Burnie, Tasmania, the land of the Palawa people. Just now, I'm sharing a series of episodes focused on helping you build and refine your explicit teaching muscles. After all, it's wonderful to have an evidence-informed program or resource in your hands, but it's what you do with it that matters. 


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Podcasts - Don't Ask for Hands Up

S3 E6 - 5 Things to do Instead of Asking for Hands Up


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Hello. Hello, it's Jocelyn here with another episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast coming to you from the gorgeous Pataway, Burnie in Tasmania. I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, life is good, and your confidence in building a structured approach to literacy is growing a little each day. You see, this teaching caper is not about doing one magical thing on one magical day and looking up to see that every problem has…

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Teacher with Students Working Behind Her

Research to the Classroom - Dyad Reading Part 3 - Teacher Talk

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Jocelyn: Hey Kirby, how are you going?

Kirby: Good. Thank you. How are you?

Jocelyn: I'm excellent now that you're here. It's so fantastic to have you here for our very first teacher talk episode of the podcast. Kirby, why don't you share with our listeners who you are, where you teach, what you do, how long you've been teaching for and all the things?

Kirby: Sure. So my name's Kirby. This will be my 12th year of teaching. I worked out earlier, wh…

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3 Students and Teacher Doing Activity

Research to the Classroom - Dyad Reading Part 2


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Hi there, and welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in Pataway Lutruwita or Burnie, Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. I'm so lucky to live and work here in this beautiful place and also to bring you this week's podcast, which is the second episode in our current Research to the Classroom series about assisted reading. Our Research to the Classroom series is in three parts: part one, where we share a publ…

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Boys Hiding Behind Books

Research to the Classroom - Dyad Reading - Part 1

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Hi there. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. It's Jocelyn here, and I am so pleased to welcome you this week because we have a brand new series for you. One of the things I remember so vividly is being in school as a teacher and then leader, really wanting to keep up with readings and research and just not having the bandwidth to be able to do it. So we've started a brand new series for you called Research to the Classroom. It's a se…

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Woman Working at Table with Books and Laptop

S3 E1 - Getting Clear About What is Important in 2024

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Welcome back.
Welcome. Welcome. A thousand welcomes to the first podcast episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast for 2024. Today, we are kicking off our second year of the podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people.

Today's Topic - Getting Clear and Setting Goals.
I'd like to start us off for the year with an episode all about goals. Now, don't worry. We aren't going to run through a process of making our goals SMART as in speci…

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Together is the Way - Letter Blocks

S2 E13 - What does it mean to be a productive member of our education community?

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Hi there. I'm so pleased that you could join me for this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, recorded here on the lands of the Palawa people of Tasmania. I'd like to start by paying my respects to elders past, present, and emerging and acknowledging the special relationship that Indigenous peoples of Australia share with the lands and waterways on which we have the privilege of living. 

Today's Topic - Being a productive memb…

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Teacher and Student High Five

S2 E11 - How do I help my students who aren't blending?


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Well, hello. Hello. It's Jocelyn here. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. The place where we discuss everything about structured literacy and the complexity of making it happen in our schools and classrooms. I'd like to begin by paying my respects to the Palawa people of Tasmania and particularly the people of Padaway Burnie, where this episode is recorded.

Today's topic - Questions from our Facebook Group.
In this episod…

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