Tuesday Tip - Align Tier 1 with Tier 2

In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss that for better student outcomes, teachers should align Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction so that all students, including those struggling, receive additional repetitions of the same content rather than different material.
Video Transcript
Hi there everyone, it's Tuesday and it's time for a tip. My tip this week is about aligning tier one and tier two instruction for better outcomes for students. Tier 1 instruction is that really robust, rich instruction that everybody gets. Tier 2 should be an extra dose of the same so that children have extra repetitions to aid their learning.
What we tend to do though is we look for a separate program for Tier 2 instruction. So the Tier 1 program is likely to have one scope and sequence and the Tier 2 another. That means that very often we're giving our struggling students two lots of content to learn when their peers only have to learn one.
So in order to get maximum benefit for students, align Tier 1 and Tier 2 so that they're getting that extra dose, not something completely different. There will be times, particularly for older students, where they will be learning something that's different. Different from what their peers are doing because they're just so far behind and they've got a lot of catch up to do, but in the early years, when we're talking about phonics and children who just need extra repetitions to keep up with everyone else, just align it and keep it all the same.
Want to know more?
Click here to find out about why your Tier 2 instruction might not be working.
Click here to find out more about response to intervention.
And click here to find out some reasons why your wheels might be falling off your whole school approach.
Ready to help students align Tier 1 and 2 Instruction? Join the Resource Room today.
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